Video Tutorial: How to Cut Your Own Hair in Layers

Saturday, February 10, 2018
Hey friends!

Whenever my hair starts to grow too long that I can't really manage it anymore I look up "How to Cut Your Own Hair" videos on Youtube. I look through several pages of hair cutting videos. Some videos have techniques that sound so crazy they might just work. Learn from my mistakes. Many of the videos that I followed have led me to panic. If the hair cutting methods people present sound too easy you will end up with a haircut that will get your face turning red.

After years of trial and error (I started cutting my hair at 14 years old), I found a hair cutting method that will actually turn out pretty nice.

So why is cutting your own hair so popular these days? Many women leave hair salons disappointed because they paid someone to get a specific haircut and they didn't get what they wanted. When you cut your own hair it's free and in the end, you can take responsibility for the results.

Cutting your own hair makes you feel more self-sufficient. You don't fall into the trap of having to purchase absolutely everything. You feel more independent from the world. And like I said, it's free. Besides, it's just hair. Hair will always grow out.

If you are willing to take a risk, go for it.

Here is a step by step video on how I cut my own hair. Towards the end of the video, I start running out of storage so the video ends abruptly. All I do to finish the haircut is take a mirror and look at the back of my hair with my bathroom mirror to make sure all the pieces align.

Let me know if you have ever tried cutting your own hair and how it went!

I hope you all have a good week, God bless!

- Beverly 💗

1 comment:

  1. Cool! :) I usually have my mom cut one inch every now and then, because my ends get soooo brittle. I am a bit vain when it comes to my hair and I love it long so I don't think I'd have the guts to cut my own hair! haha. But maybe one day :D



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