Sometimes Life Gets in the Way...

Hi there,

It's been a while...😅I was inspired to write this blog post because of a comment that I received in one of my YouTube videos by Mariana J. Thank you.

As you all know the world is going through a very alarming situation. The spread of the coronavirus. I have never thought I would be living through this type of situation in my lifetime. This pandemic has affected us all one way or another. There are so many things to be worried about.

Personally, my employer has placed my coworkers and I on a temporary leave as there is no work to be done. I am stuck at home with all my interesting 🙃family members. I do love them but we all got tired of each other at some point. All my goals have been placed on hold. My travel plans, fun activities and self care ideas for the spring have all been postponed.

However, we all know that those things are really nothing to worry about. I can resume doing my little activities later. That is, of course, if the pace of society goes back to how it was... Honestly, I don't know if it will.

Our real concern, as Catholics, is that we can no longer attend the Catholic Mass and participate in the sacraments like we used to. I have to watch the Mass being streamed through YouTube on weekdays and Sundays. Of course, I am grateful that I can still watch the Mass but it's not the same.

I had to make an appointment with my parish priest to make a confession and receive Communion. That makes me laugh a little because now the priest knows who is confessing because it is now a one on one due to the physical distancing rules. So he may not have been looking at me during my confession but he knew it was me because he had to let me into the church lol. Thankfully, I was able to receive Communion afterwards. Confession and Communion used to be easily available to me.

As a Traditional Catholic, I am aware that there are enemies fighting against the Catholic Church. I am worried that things may get worse for the Church. What if our parishes don't get the opportunity to go back to the way they once were? Obviously, that's the conspiracy theorist talking in me. I have nothing to prove that they will stay closed. The only thing I can do is pray. Pray that this situation will pass and that I may stay on God's good side.

I hope you are all doing well and getting through this time safely. I know that there are people suffering greatly and it's heartbreaking. However, for some this lockdown has a few positive effects.

In my case, I am taking a break from work. I work in an operation centre at an international airport. My job has a lot of pressure, can be stressful at times and has crazy hours. I put a lot of work and energy to get to the position that I have. All this work has caused me to put my priorities aside. Because of my crazy work schedules that change constantly (ex: 3 AM - 12 PM shifts), I was unable to sleep at night and follow the routines of a regular person. This led me to neglect my prayers and spiritual life. My daily routine was work, eat, sleep and repeat. It was difficult to get through life and I was failing hardcore.

Now, that I stay home, I work on myself. I have time to reevaluate my life. Is this where I want to be? What would God want me to do? Am I doing His Will? I have time. Finally, something that I felt I never had. I feel like God has given me a reset button.

Now is the time to really think of what I want to do. I want to put more focus on my growth. Not only in my career but my soul.

I really hope you have a good day. Thank you for reading this post and do leave a message if you would like to. I hope to be posting more often.

- Beverly 💗



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